First Aid Training - November 2024
The ATC team have recently updated their Emergency First-Aid certificates to ensure all our staff are first-aid trained in compliance with The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. We all enjoyed the training and learnt some very useful things during the day.
Ability to Change Workshops
October - November 2024
We are delighted to have received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to enable us to carry out our, Community Counts, project. The main objective of this project is to provide individuals with valuable employment skills, volunteer training and leadership skills to boost their confidence. Our ultimate goal is to support these individuals in reintegrating into society, finding stable employment, and breaking the cycle of criminal behaviour. ATC Workshops are being held for service users to assist with topics such as Confidence Building, Interview Techniques, and Motivation. These are being facilitated by, Optimum Focus. We have had a steady stream of attendees and the feedback has been very positive.
Ability to Change Workshops
September - October 2023
ATC Workshops were held for service users to assist with topics such as CV Writing, Interview Skills, and Communication & Motivation. These were facilitated by, Inspired Possibilities. We had a steady stream of attendees and the feedback has been very positive:
"These workshops will help me with future plans and learning new skills." AT
"Valuable and excellent knowledge - proper information to help me!" AR
Ability to Change Workshops
September - October 2022
We have been very lucky to have had six weeks of workshops delivered by Optimum Focus and Inspired Possibilities. They were put
together to encourage positivity, support well-being and enhance growth.
The topics ranged from Positive Relationships to CV Writing & Interview Techniques. Some of the tips offered when writing a CV is to ensure that
it is clear and concise and to remember that it provides an opportunity to demonstrate how you want the employer to see you.
Our service users learnt a lot from the workshops and we are very thankful to the facilitators for running these very useful sessions.
First Aid Training - October 2021
The Ability to Change team have recently updated their First-Aid certificates to ensure all our staff are first-aid trained in compliance with the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. The training was facilitated by Lucy at Tutor Care. We all enjoyed the session and learnt some very useful things during the day.
Self-Esteem, Motivation & Productivity
This topic discussed the meaning of, and the signs of healthy and low self-esteem, motivation, and ways in which we can stay motivated. The session also discussed the meaning of, and the three pillars of productivity.
Media Portrayal
This topic discussed images and perceptions in the media; the messages they convey, and the stereotypes that are sometimes formed from these portrayals. The topic also addressed the harm and benefit to different groups; active and passive harming behaviours and the forming of racial and ethnic cognitions.
Presentation and Appearance Awareness
Discussions were held about self-esteem: why people have low self-esteem, how to raise our self-esteem and how self-esteem can affect young people. The topic also addressed the importance of presentation and making a positive first impression, how to gain and show a sense of respect to others.
Crime, Weapons and Youth
This topic focussed on the history of knives: what a knife was first designed to do and the different opinions there are for carrying a knife. Discussions were also held on whether a knife is an offensive or defensive weapon and the notion that carrying a weapon can result in arming an attacker.
Useful Information - CPS Sentencing Guidelines
A sentence at or near the statutory maximum of 4 years is appropriate where the offender:
Positive and Healthy Relationships
This topic focussed on qualities of a healthy relationship, barriers to forming and maintaining healthy relationships, and how to identify unhealthy relationship patterns.
Asbestos Training
ATC hosted an Asbestos Awareness Training Course, provided by United Living and eBrit Services.
All attendees received a certificate in Asbestos Awareness.
Well done to the service users who attended. The training provider has also made us aware of upcoming apprenticeships, which is a great opportunity for ATC service users.
First Aid Training
Thank you to Theresa, a trainer from Tutor Care, who facilitated the first aid training session.
Ability to Change arranged the course for staff, mentors, service users and volunteers. It was a very valuable session and we all learnt so much from the course.
Thank you to all the attendees - it was a fantastic day and a lot of fun was had by all!
Rollercoaster Workshops
Our 'Rollercoaster Workshops,' funded by The National Lottery, provide our service users with CV writing skills and interview techniques, as well as motivational and interpersonal skills. We also offer one to one coaching and counselling, and have motivated many people to gain qualifications and grow the confidence they need to get back into work and stay in work.