What we do

At Ability to Change our aim is to reduce crime and reoffending in the community across London.  We believe that with the right support, everyone has the ability to change their lives for the better and to be a more positive member of society. 

We run a range of services to help ex-offenders.



Ability to Change helps people to recover from addiction and gain control of their lives.  We have access to a range of services that understand the many roots to addiction and look at the whole person, tackling different levels of substance misuse.

Within our service we provide counselling and rehabilitation programmes.  Our primary objective is to provide the best, most professional service tailored to suit the need of the individual.



Our Ability to Change life coaches and counsellors can offer tactical ways of supporting offenders who have been released and have been subjected to domestic violence. We can offer a range of services that may include referring individuals to appropriate agencies that can assist in protecting them and restoring normality to their lives once again.



We provide supported accommodation and floating support.  We understand the importance of stable accommodation in helping ex-offenders to move on from crime.

We work closely with private landlords, housing departments, registered social landlords and the local authority to secure temporary and permanent accommodation.

We support individuals to maintain accommodation, so that they feel safe and encourage them in being successful in independent living, and reach their aspirations.



With our support, we have motivated many people to get the right skills, gain qualifications and grow the confidence they need to get back into work and stay in work.

Our team help with putting CVs together, and with interview skills and techniques.  We have established contacts with employers and job agencies, who have been willing to work with us to provide suitable employment.

We want people to regain their self-esteem and reintegrate back into society and with their families, and break their cycle by leaving the criminal justice system behind them.



Monthly Thought...

"The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose."

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© Ability to Change - Registered Charity No. 1162596